Thursday 7 August 2014

Cats Vs Boys

Today was a good day. I learnt lots of things and had fun doing it. I have been tired all day and there are two things I could really do with right now: a) 6 extra hours in the day  b) some sort of foot massager.

At the vets today  there was a ton of interesting things going on. I was shown how to analyse blood plasma (mostly down to the machine) and how to spot crystals in urine. I fed some dogs. I played with an eight week old kitten called Carlos which has no home but I can't give it one no matter how much I'd like to. There were two ex-breeding cats being spayed. Both had infected uteruses which were swollen quite large with pus (very much ew).
 There was a german shepherd called Sasha that had a twisted stomach two weeks ago (unfortunately common in larger, deep chested dogs and rather dangerous for them). She was having extensive surgery to attach part of the wall of her stomach to the muscle in her abdominal cavity to try and prevent it from happening again. That was f*cking awesome to watch. There was a cat who was having small tumours removed from the back of its mouth. There was a cat that had been run over (it only had 3 legs) and had to have its tail lasered to help with healing.
There was a cat who had come in for dental work. The side of its face was swollen and its teeth were in crap condition. Mind you, it was 16 years old, so a good age for a cat. Unfortunately a tumour was causing all the problems in its mouth and it had to be put to sleep. It's the first time I've watched an animal die. It was extremely unexciting. It was already asleep because of the anaesthetic (which they give animals anyway (or a sedative) so it's not so bad for them when they are lethally injected.  I felt a brief sadness at its passing but not much. I think I could cope with stuff like that ok if I became a vet. I think the problem for me would be dealing with the owners if they became distressed at the animal's passing.
There was a more cheerful afternoon in consulting, especially when a ten week old labrador puppy came in for it's injections. It was absolutely adorable.

Every day so far a boy/young man has been getting the same train home as me. He looks like the lovechild of Mikey Way and Patrick Stump. And he was reading a book on the train. I managed to sit opposite him today. I really wish I had the confidence to talk to him. Maybe I would if I wasn't so fat and we weren't both so antisocial, avoiding eye contact with other people and listening to music. I wouldn't mind a boyfriend.

I also can't wait until I move out of home. I'm so fed up of being bothered by my mum and of my brother just existing.

Keep Running xx

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